
“Everything rises and falls on leadership.” Look around and you see how true this is.

Resource Genesee’s leadership programs are designed to develop leaders who want to engage their community and make a difference.

The mission of the Resource Genesee is to “Mobilize people and resources to build a thriving, vibrant community.” One of the ways we do this is through our leadership development programs for adults and youth.

Apply now: Leadership Genesee and Youth Leadership Genesee are recruiting now for new classes to begin in October 2009.

So, whether you are an adult (Leadership Genesee) or a high school student (Youth Leadership Genesee), make the investment in your own leadership development so you can make a difference in your community.

Contact Daryl Vanella,  Director of Leadership Genesee, at 810.208.5377 or leadership@resourcegenesee.org.